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Red’s Flowchart and Goal Factoring

Audio Book by Mars Oliva

Another Audio Book by Jack Voraces

Chapter 1: Unreliable Predictions

Chapter 2: Fallacy of the Single Cause

Chapter 3: Memetics 101

Chapter 4: Operant Conditioning

Chapter 5: Personhood Theory

Chapter 6: Interlude I – The First Night

Chapter 7: Optimism Bias

Chapter 8: Priorities

Chapter 9: Delayed Gratification

Chapter 10: Avoidance

Chapter 11: Risk Assessment

Chapter 12: Interlude II – Shadows

Chapter 13: Theory Induced Blindness

Chapter 14: Desensitization

Chapter 15: False Dichotomies

Chapter 16: Diversions

Chapter 17: Tradeoffs

Chapter 18: Interlude III – Son of Stone

Chapter 19: Great Expectations

Chapter 20: Body and Mind

Chapter 21: Sample Bias

Chapter 22: The Decisive Path, Part I

Chapter 23: The Decisive Path, Part II

Chapter 24: The Art of Persuasion, Part I

Chapter 25: The Art of Persuasion, Part II

Chapter 26: The Right Questions

Chapter 27: Challenges

Chapter 28: Interlude IV – 2.351

Chapter 29: On the Road Again

Chapter 30: Over the Mountain

Chapter 31: Distractions

Chapter 32: Decisions

Chapter 33: Interlude V – Double Binds

Chapter 34: Redefining Priorities

Chapter 35: Deception

Chapter 36: The Shape of Things to Come

Chapter 37: Resolve

Chapter 38: Learning from Failure

Chapter 39: Hearsay

Chapter 40: Interlude VI – And Every Common Sight

Chapter 41: Adaptability

Chapter 42: Making Do

Chapter 43: Risk and Reward

Chapter 44: Premortem

Chapter 45: Goal Factoring

Chapter 46: Interlude VII – Connections

Chapter 47: Courage

Chapter 48: Popularity

Chapter 49: The Paradox of Choice

Chapter 50: Comfort Zone Expansion

Chapter 51: Link

Chapter 52: Departing

Chapter 53: Out of the Blue

Chapter 54: Into the Black

Chapter 55: Accountability

Chapter 56: At Sea

Chapter 57: Autoargumentation

Chapter 58: Precipitate

Chapter 59: Interlude VIII – Organization

Chapter 60: Interlude IX – Thunder

Chapter 61: Storm

Chapter 62: Trust

Chapter 63: Interlude X – Judgement

Chapter 64: Purpose

Chapter 65: Fearless

Chapter 66: Interlude XI – Pyre

Chapter 67: Postmortem

Chapter 68: Internal Family Systems

Chapter 69: Missions

Chapter 70: Mind Boggling

Chapter 71: Imposter Syndrome

Chapter 72: Gaze Forward

Chapter 73: Teamwork

Chapter 74: Choices

Chapter 75: Interlude XII – Children of the Mind

Chapter 76: Chrysalis

Chapter 77: Focusing

Chapter 78: Merger

Chapter 79: Status Effects

Chapter 80: Nonviolent Communication

Chapter 81: Interlude XIII – Titans

Chapter 82: Interlude XIV – Titans II

Chapter 83: Interlude XV – Titans III

Chapter 84: What Comes Next

Chapter 85: Interlude XVI – The Vaulted Sky

Chapter 86: Interlude XVII – The Needs of the Few

Chapter 87: Ghost Town

Chapter 88: Heeding Whispers

Chapter 89: Hearing Shouts

Chapter 90: Coalition

Chapter 91: Interlude XVIII – Discoveries

Chapter 92: Authenticity

Chapter 93: Qualitative Research

Chapter 94: Tilt

Chapter 95: Eliminate the Impossible

Chapter 96: Moral Reasoning

Chapter 97: Raw Data

Chapter 98: Interlude XIX – Remnant

Chapter 99: Interlude XX – Change

Chapter 100: Collaboration

Chapter 101: Gauntlet

Chapter 102: Conviction

Chapter 103: Interlude XXI – Warnings

Chapter 104: Secrets

Chapter 105: Meta-Honesty

Chapter 106: Interlude XXII – Tools

Chapter 107: Perception

Chapter 108: Mistake Theory

Chapter 109: Market Theory

Chapter 110: Conflict Theory

Chapter 111: Shell Game

Chapter 112: Hunted

Chapter 113: A New Age

Chapter 114: Interlude XXIII – Law

Chapter 115: Limelight

Chapter 116: Conspiracies

Chapter 117: Interlude XXIV – Equilibria

Chapter 118: Responsibility

Chapter 119: Coverup

Chapter 120: Agency

Chapter 121: Precedes

Chapter 122: Inside Out

Chapter 123: Drastic Action

Chapter 124: Unearthed

Chapter 125: Interlude XXV – Shared Weight

Chapter 126: Interlude XXVI – Where the Heart Can Bloom

Chapter 127: Tests

Chapter 128: Double Duty

Chapter 129: Reframe

Chapter 130: Unadorned

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