Tag Archives: writing advice

16 – Serial Fiction, Part 1

Daystar and Alexander discuss serial fiction’s history, pros and cons, and how to navigate scheduling.

Co-hosted by Alexander Wales

With thanks to Tim Yarbrough for the Intro/Outro music, G.A.T.O Must Be Respected


We’re Alive

The Green Mile, by Stephen King

John Dies at the End, by David Wong

 The Martian, by Andy Weird


0:45 Features and History

10:30 Pros

15:31 Cons

18:14 Transitioning to Publishing

21:00 Scheduling


Alexander recommends Accelerando in today’s post-outro Audible advertisement.


Thanks for listening!

15 – Multiverse

Daystar and Alexander explore the different types of Multiverse stories, and how to make them compelling and rational.

Co-hosted by Alexander Wales

With thanks to Tim Yarbrough for the Intro/Outro music, G.A.T.O Must Be Respected



The Merchant Princes, by Charles Stross

Two Year Emperor, by Eaglejarl

The One


Rick and Morty

The Dark Tower by Stephen King

Demon by Jason Shiga

The Last Action Hero


0:40 Why we enjoy multiverses

5:54 Types of multiverse stories

10:58 Realism of multiverse stories

16:16 Multiverse and Fanfiction

19:53 Bound vs Unbound Multiverses

34:22 Writing Multiverse Stories well


Daystar recommends The Dark Tower Series, specifically The Drawing of the Three in today’s post-outro Audible advertisement.


Thanks for listening!